Thank you for joining WorkWell NYC for worksite fitness classes!
Classes will be led by a certified fitness instructor and run from the week of April 20th through June 26th (10 weeks total).
By participating in fitness classes, you are committing to:
Identify a minimum of 12-15 interested employees
Submit signed waivers from employees and return them to WorkWell NYC
Promote classes with provided materials below
Monitor attendance to ensure weekly participation
Note: Attendance will be monitored. Classes are required to maintain a minimum of 8 participants each week to remain open. Sending out calendar invites may be helpful.
Get Started!
Follow the steps below to set up a fitness class at your worksite!

Request a class
Sign your worksite up for a fitness class here. Be sure to indicate at least two available days/times to allow for more flexibility in finding an instructor.
Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for WorkWell NYC to confirm your class.

Recruit participants
Once your class is confirmed, you will need to identify a minimum of 12-15 interested employees. You can use the promotional materials below to advertise classes at your site!
Ambassadors are required to input employee names into the “worksite interest form”, and submit signed waivers for each employee.
Note: Classes cannot launch without these documents.

Return paperwork
Upon returning the requested documents, WorkWell NYC will verify all waivers and produce a sign-in sheet to be used at all classes.
Ambassadors are responsible for bringing the sign-in sheet to each class and ensuring the instructor gets a copy at the end of each session.