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WorkWell NYC offers a range of virtual and in-person workshops and fitness classes that Ambassadors can request for their agencies. Offerings include Self-Massage, Nutrition 101, Zumba, Self-defense and much more! Keep reading below to learn how you can bring workshops and fitness classes to your agency. Please note that all workshops are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and must be requested at least 6 weeks in advance.
Fitness Classes
Get Started
Follow the steps below to set up a workshop/fitness class for your worksite:
Request a workshop/fitness class: Sign your worksite up for a workshop/fitness class. Be sure to indicate at least two available days/times to allow for more flexibility in finding an instructor. Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for WorkWell NYC to confirm.
Spread the word: Once you receive confirmation, recruit at least 25 interested employees. Promote the workshop/fitness class with emails, flyers, word of mouth, etc. (WorkWell NYC will provide you with templates!)
Return paperwork: Upon the completion of your session, Ambassadors will be required to submit an attendance sheet to WorkWell NYC. (This applies only to those using their agency's video conferencing software).
Workshop Offerings
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