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Mental Wellbeing

The Be Well program helps to build workplaces environments that support mental health and well-being. Be Well offers programs, support, and resources to help employees be resilient and manage the stresses of everyday life.


Whether it’s your first year setting up a flu clinic at your worksite or you’re an old pro: the Flu Fighters Toolkit is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know. It contains important information about this year’s campaign, including flyers and template materials to help you get the word out!



To request a new worksite clinic, download and complete the Event Logistics Form.

Mindful Meditation Workshops

Mental Health First Aid

The Flu Fighters Challenge is designed to reward you for your efforts to host successful worksite flu shot clinics and to help keep employees flu-free.


Points earned during the Flu Fighters Challenge and throughout the year are tallied and celebrated annually at the WorkWell NYC Ambassador Recognition Breakfast.


Join in on the friendly competition during the flu program this year to keep the energy and excitement going while competing for a prize!

Setup Process

Interest Sign-Up Sheet

Communication Materials for Worksite Clinics

Find information to plan and promote worksite clinics at your agency below: 

Flu worksite clinic flyer.PNG

General Flyer

flu email template image.PNG

Email Templates

flu general flyer.PNG

Worksite Clinic Flyer


Flu myths vs facts image.png

Flu  Myths vs. Facts


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Be Well Thrive banner - newest logo.png
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